Friday, July 31, 2015

Oh For Grace To Trust Him More

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you already know the quiet hours of the morning are my favorite time to read the Bible and pray. Right now, my office at the church is probably an oven, so I don't even bother going there. During the cold of winter, and the dead of summer, I have to avoid my office, mainly because it costs so much to heat and cool the church just for me to sit in an office. Putting in a window air conditioner works against the beauty of opening the window and hearing the sparrows as they flutter just outside of it. So, I'm writing this from the confines of my office at home.  I can't see or hear the sparrows, but I know they are still trusting God for their daily provision.  

Oh Yeah, I was talking about bible reading and prayer time. I thank God for His word, and the presence of His Holy Spirit. Without them, I don't know if I would be able to be writing this right now. It's been a tumultuous couple of months. Actually it's been a trying, and painful, and painful, and . . . well painful couple of months. It's alright for a Christian to say that. I don't know how it became unfashionable to admit to being in adverse situations, but I do know most Christians today feel as if it is sinful to admit you're in a trial. I've been in a trial for the last two months. If that's sinful, then, I've sinned. Actually, I've longed for the sparrow's perch, if for no other reason than to find those moments of peace I find there. All around me things have sped out of control. These last two months have been the leanest for work that I've had since I began being a handyman. The biggest struggle I have with that, is not being able to support the ministries I've made pledges to. If one more person tells me to have faith, I think I'm going to scream. I've been living by faith for the last eight years. Every job I get is the provision of God. Not just in some obscure way, but purely by the direction of the Holy Spirit. I don't advertise. The signs on my truck are the only advertisement I have. So, when the phone rings, I know it is a direct result of the Holy Spirit prompting someone's heart. Before the end of May, I had work scheduled through the beginning of August. Then came the cancellations. I went around shaking my head in disbelief. If the phone rang, I hesitated to answer it for fear it was another cancellation. I have to admit, my trust, and faith were tested. I was ready to go back into the job market, but I kept getting just enough work to keep afloat, even being able to go to Corpus Christi for our family reunion.

During this last two months, I've also had to endure some things I'd rather not ever deal with. Just the fact that I'm able to type once again is exciting to me. While working on a roof about two weeks ago, I tripped on my own two feet and fell while holding my tape measure. The belt clip sliced through my ring finger on my right hand. NOT FUNNY. Thankfully, I didn't fall off the roof. If I had, Glenda would have killed me. I'm only now getting full movement back in my pinky and ring finger. Praise God. It could have been worse. I thought of Psalm 91 as I climbed down the ladder.

I think the thing that rocked me the most was losing a long time friend this week to a tragic car accident. He was a loving, caring, and generous man, who I will miss greatly. He helped me to get my feet on the ground in the handyman business. The circumstances of his death were senseless. It sucked my breath away when I heard about it. There are very few men I will drop what I'm doing and go help them out, but Terry Stambaugh was one of those men. When I was starting out, and I would wonder where my next job was going to come from, Terry would call. I knew he was listening to the Holy Spirit. I look forward to meeting him on the other side of this vale.

Then to add insult to injury, one of the young ladies of our church family was in a terrible car accident yesterday morning. She survived, but with terrible injuries. To make matters worse, I have no way to go visit the family. Her father is the reason I launched out into being God-employed. Her surgery went well, and I believe God for her full recovery. Still, my prayers are with her and the family.

Then I get a phone call from Glenda telling me her dad fell last night. He's going blind, and he needs to come home with her. LONG PAUSE! Our home is not blind friendly. We have numerous steps into the house, in the house, and we live in the country. Panic!!!!!! For about five minutes. Then it happened. God's grace came over me. I won't bore you with every thing the Holy Spirit spoke into my heart, but I will share with you my Sparrow moment. Without adversity, trial, or conflict, grace can't be released into our lives. There can't be a miracle without something that demands a miracle be done. There can't be peace without a trial to make it's presence known, and we can't know trust if we don't have a reason to trust. Happiness can come from anything, but joy is the triumphant exultation of faith over the adverse circumstances of life. When grace is released into our lives, we no longer care about what brought us there, but only about Christ being THERE with us.

I don't know if tomorrow I will have another job, I don't even have the promise of tomorrow, but I do know in whom I believe, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep everything I've given to him. (Dave's paraphrase.) The big question is: What have I given him? I believe He will see me through anything that I trust him with. Nearly eight years ago, I gave him my income. My livelihood is in his hands. My health is in his hands. My dreams for tomorrow are in his hands. My father-in-law is in his hands. Like the old hymn says, “Oh for grace to trust him more.” Thank you sweet Holy Spirit for your abiding presence.   

Sunday, May 24, 2015



Fifty days!  If you’d have asked me at the beginning of this fast what I was thinking, I couldn’t have told you. It began as a simple whim in response to one sentence my daughter Amanda made while having lunch with me.  That one sentence was a seed that quickly began to take root.  The gist of what she told me, was that her Church in Wynne, Arkansas does a corporate 21 day Daniel Fast at the beginning of the year.  They do it for clarity, and direction, but as I sat listening to her, I became intrigued.  After I decided I wanted to do this for myself, I sat down and made a list of things I wanted answers for in my life, and things I wanted for the faith fellowship I love.  Then came the decision for how long I would fast.  It was one week before Resurrection Sunday (Easter) and I’d already embarked on a partial fast that week.  By Wednesday night, I felt impressed to fast till Pentecost Sunday.  That simple, that easy. 

As some of you have kept up with my journey, you’ve probably wondered what I was asking prayer for, and what I’ve gained. Others of you will probably care less.  I didn’t give you specifics, because I didn’t want someone artificially pumping me up, or purposely working me. One thing I will tell you from the outset, food was not on my mind when I began this, but it became abundantly clear, that food was at the core of everything. 

As an INFJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) personality type, (of which I score in the high 70’s multiple times),  I often find myself at odds with what is expected of me as a father, husband, friend, and pastor, and what I ‘feel’ like doing.  My nature is to withdraw quietly within myself, and only allow a handful of people to get close to me.  I like my little home, with my little office, and the seclusion it affords. When I don’t like something, or someone, it is easy to withdraw, ignore, and isolate myself.    If someone hurts me, or makes unreasonable demands of me, I can simply escape to my little turtle shell.  Not always good, but at least it's safe.

My first prayer request was for God to show me how to love beyond hurt, and pain. 

Loving those who treat us good is easy.  Loving those who agree with us is especially easy.  Loving those who are constantly giving to you is easy.  I like easy.  It’s like those “Staples” commercials with the ‘EASY’ button. Who doesn’t want to keep pressing the ‘easy’ button all the time?  While I've been on this fast, EASY is not what I got.  Almost from the very first day, I was thrust back into past hurtful relationships, confronted with angry clients, and forced to do things I despise.  For example, every job I got called out on for the first two weeks was something I hated to do, and sometimes humiliating.  At 60 years old I was doing the very same things my father had me do when I was fourteen!  Digging holes, cleaning up crap from people’s messy lives, raking rocks, and wrestling railroad ties seemed to be all I was called to do. EASY was not on the menu.  The Holy Spirit was backing me into a corner where there was no way out.  MY PRIDE WAS HURTING. No matter how far I withdrew into my little turtle shell, the Holy Spirit was like a bulldog trying to get me to come out.  One particular day when a long time client cancelled a very long term job, I found myself battling all kinds of evil thoughts.  I won’t tell you the thoughts that came into my mind, but suffice it to say they were feelings of rejection, betrayal, and worthlessness.  I battled these thoughts for two days; “God! I’m supposed to be getting closer to you”  I screamed as I thought of ending the fast and burying my sorrow in a big puffy marshmallow cream filled ‘long John.’  “Where are you God?”   “What’s going on here?!!”  “What’s the use of being on this fast, if things in my life don’t get better.”  Then came the real anger.  “Well, that’s just like ‘so and so’”  I thought to myself.  “He got me all excited about doing a job and then backs out on me.”   By the end of two days I was mad at God, and darn right hateful toward the client.  (Yes, I do get mad at God, and I’m not afraid to admit it, because in the end, I am in fearful awe of Him.) What I think hurts God more than being mad at Him, is when we are angry at one another.  I nursed this anger for another day until Pastor Eric taught on ‘forgiveness’ that Sunday morning.  I’d allowed my desire for EASY to be the bait Satan used to make me angry at a good friend, and a good God.  I didn’t see my friend’s sorrow, nor did I care.  It was all about me.  I went home that afternoon from Church and bawled my eyes out, even as I wrote my blog.  I wanted to tell everyone what had happened, so I could get sympathy, but the Holy Spirit wouldn’t let me.  I had to write the blog three times before my ‘Editor’ (the Holy Spirit) would let me post it.
I came out of that time with a better understanding of God’s Presence in the midst of our greatest betrayals.  It is easy to think God doesn’t feel like we do.  He’s God, right?  Nothing touches Him, right?  Wrong!  The next day, as I drove to my first job the Holy Spirit spoke into my resignation.  
“I was betrayed, too.” came the tender voice of the bulldog. “More times than you can imagine.”    
“Come on, God!  You’re wearing it out”  I said to myself.
The Holy Spirit wasn’t about to let me sulk.  “I gave everything I could give, and still people betray me.”  “I make such beautiful plans for people’s lives, and still they choose their own way. I have to watch in sorrow as they cancel out on what I could do for them.”  “You began this fast asking me to help you love beyond yourself, and instead you’ve whined and complained about what’s happened.  I’m asking you to trust me, that this will all be good in the end.”   That morning, I realized I’d slipped into self-pity once more. 

I had to accept that loving beyond myself isn’t a one-time easy fix.  It will be a lifetime of people doing and saying things that hurt me, especially those I cherish most.  Loving them in-spite of themselves is what I’m called to do, even if I don’t like it. 


From a strictly human viewpoint, that was the stupidest thing to ask God to do.  For me it was a behavioral change.  I’ve always trusted God, sometimes to the confusion of those who believe I should be more practical.  Still, I felt that there was a deeper dependency than what I’d already given.  I thought when I began it would be about him sustaining my strength without my usual diet.  EEhhhhhhh, No!  What came out of this request was something I’d not even expected, and which is still working in my life.  It was summed up in something my wife said to me during a not too pleasant conversation.  Still the answer was in front of me all the time.
As a faith filled Christian, who believes in living my faith out loud, it is hard for me to balance that against my natural skills, abilities, and proclivity to solve things for myself.  Simply put, I’m a doer. I wouldn't be a handyman if I wasn't.   I take after my Dad, who if things are quiet for more than ten minutes, believes something is wrong with his world.  As the ‘fast’ wore on, I found myself confronted with a sudden drop off in work, and cancellations.  I shared a little bit of this with you in an earlier blog, so I won’t bore you with a re-hash.  Suffice it to say, this has been one of the driest two months in the history of my doing the handyman business.  I’m down to the last $600 of my savings, and I don’t have any jobs on the docket.  I’ve questioned God, questioned me, and began thinking of whether I should try to re-enter the ‘employed’ economy.   I was driving home from a small job three days ago (Friday), when I began to murmur about the lack of work, and God’s apparent abandonment of me.  I wondered what the use was of being on this fast if it didn’t produce anything good in me.  Didn’t God see the sacrifice I was making?   Everyone at home, in my church, and in my family is looking at me, and it looks like I’m a fool. ‘Look at super spiritual Dave, he’s on this fast and everything is falling apart around him.’  
“I trusted you, God!”  I screamed out as I pounded my steering wheel.  “Where are you?”   I pulled over at the top of the hill overlooking the city, and sobbed like I haven’t sobbed in a long time.  From deep within me, the Holy Spirit began to calm the tears, I know it was Him, because it was feeling good to keep on crying.  If no one else would give me sympathy, I could at least enjoy a good pout.


“When was the last time you asked me for work?”  came the voice of the Holy Spirit from deep within me.
“Umm, Thursday, Lord.”  I answered back smugly.  “Remember I asked for the prayer group to pray for me.” 
“When was the last time YOU asked me for work?” 
I hadn’t.  I’d been too busy, proclaiming, speaking positive, thinking positive, trying to not be a disappointment to my faith. 
“Lord, I need work.”  I said meekly. 
“Not good enough.”  Replied the Holy Spirit.  “I know you need work.” 
“What do you want?” 
That’s when the conversation with my wife came back to my mind.  We’d been discussing in not so easy terms, how people can come off as appearing arrogant when they don’t ask for help.  The modern church has become good at doing the business of church.  As the Church, we’ve become so good at it, that we’ve abandoned the basics of doing ‘CHURCH.’   We  don’t want to impose on people, or make unreasonable demands on people, therefore we often come off as not needing people.  Don’t get me wrong, we’re good at asking for money, or church attendance, but more than that is an imposition.  The truth is, WE ALL WANT TO BE NEEDED. As we become more like Christ, it becomes stronger in us.  Why?  Because that is what God wants, He wants us to need Him.  As our ‘Daddy’ He still gets rocked when we need Him. Our need for His provision is the beginning of our faith if we let it work in us.  He likes it when we get specific with Him.  Why?  Because, the more specific we become with Him, the less chance we have of just passing it off as something other than Him.  Come on, admit it, He’s generically good to all mankind.  He gives rain, to the just, and unjust alike.  Our planet continues to spin as it always has, and will continue to do so for as long as he deems it.  His specific blessings are to those who ‘depend’ on Him.  Every lesson to the Children of Israel throughout the Old Testament was based upon His desire to be their provider.  When we rely upon our own strength to do the impossible, we end up with the feasible, reasonable, and rational.  When we rely on God, we end up with the truly miraculous.  NOW FOR THE EARTH SHAKING TRUTH MOST CHRISTIANS WILL NOT LIKE; God often uses us to be the miracle someone else needs.  We become the only God someone may know. We can become the miracle God wants to work. 
Our greatest disappointments with one another as Christians arise because we didn’t ask or place a demand upon one another.  We assume that the Holy Spirit will inform our brother or sisters of what we need, and that it will just happen.  We assume that simple loving kindness will make our brothers and sisters do the right things, and be all loving, and caring.  That isn’t the case.  Why?  Because most of us, (myself included) are so self-absorbed, battle scarred, or focused on living this life, that we don’t think of other people as we ought to.  I’m the biggest offender.  When we don’t specifically ask for help, we end up carrying  a great big trash bag of disappointments we’ve gathered, and when someone doesn’t think about us as we think they should, we throw it in the bag, and drag it around behind us.  Before long, we become so bitter, we never let the one’s we love off the hook.  I had this lesson taught to me years ago when the Holy Spirit gave me an intimate view into the lives of people who’d disappointed me in my past.  Now, nearly thirty years later, I’m going over the same lesson in a different way.  Here it is in a nutshell.

Ask for help, and ask specifically!   That way, the answer will be yes, no, or maybe later. (Which is yes, but not now.)  Give people an informed opportunity to either disappoint you, or surprise you.  Forgive them when they disappoint, and acknowledge them when they surprise you.  If we don’t give people a chance to disappoint us, we come across as arrogant, and conceited. We have to afford people the opportunity to be the outstretched hand of God.  This makes us yielded, and vulnerable at the same time.  The bible calls it being submissive, which doesn’t only apply to being a servant, but also to allowing others to serve us.  When we’re vulnerable, we’re transparent. 

I’ve learned over the past 60 years, that some people are marvelously adept as meeting the needs of others, and other people simply want to feel needed by being asked.  We also have to learn to be honest, and forthright when a demand is placed upon us. Generic requests for help doesn't acknowledge the gifts we see in people's lives.  We all want to feel that what we do is valued, whether it is making that special cake, or cookies, or knowing how to fix a car, or providing transportation.  Yes, it can become routine, and even expected, but then don’t we treat God the same way.  We treat God like a vending machine that we believe spews out goodness just because we do good things, when actually he’s a cupboard full of good things waiting for us to ask if we can have some.  His favor is that we can ask.  It isn’t necessary to be strong all the time.


My prayer requests for my faith family are still in work.  I’ve already told you one thing I would like to see done in our church, and I'm waiting for the answer.  We have so many needs in our old building, and I become so frustrated when I either don’t have the time or the money to fix them. I'm believing God for the funds to allow me to be employed full time at the church,  That’s what I’ve been praying for.  I know, it’s self-serving.  I grimace when I write it.  Then, when I step into our building, I hurt because I know what I could do.  I’d just like to spend my last remaining years doing what I do best for the Lord. Then somebody call the Waaambulance before I die of self-pity. 


OKAY, now for the good stuff, or maybe not.  This fast put me in touch with my body in a way I’ve never experienced before.  I’ve learned what sugar has done to me.  None of it good.  AS OF TODAY I’ve lost 28 pounds.  I now weigh 160 pounds!  Now, at 5’ tall, this isn’t an ideal weight, and I still have a belly.  I’m down to a 34” waist, which is what I had when I left the Air Force back in 1995.   When I left the Air Force I weighed 148 pounds, although my ideal weight is supposed to be 95 to 127 pounds, I haven’t weighed 95 pounds since my junior year in High School.  I weighed 128 pounds when I went into the Air Force.  So, with all of that said, I would be happy to weigh between 128 to 135 pounds as I cruise toward the end of my life.  I lifted weights while stationed on the Stealth Fighter, and I expect that a good deal of my ‘excess’ weight is muscle mass.  When I get down to 140 pounds I’d like to do a real BMI test to discover how much of me is muscle, bone, and fat.  Charts, and calculators don’t take into account people’s  body style.   So the weight loss was exciting, and addictive.  As I step off the fast, I intend to stay as close to the fast as possible.  No more soda pop, no more added sugars, and a huge change in bread intake.  Hamburgers, and hot dogs are a thing of the past.  Not because of the meat, but because of the breads.  I’ll have to be careful with potatoes, because I do love potatoes. Mostly, one of the things that’s changed is a desire to stay on this for my wife Glenda.  She’s been battling diabetes for the last fifteen years that I know of, and who knows how long before that.  I didn’t begin this with her in mind, but as I saw the correlation between her ‘diabetes’ diet and the Daniel fast, it became a powerful reason to stay into it.  I can continue this forever, if it allows her to be healthier longer.  That wasn’t in me before the fast. Before the fast, it was ‘her problem’, and I didn’t want it to affect what I ate.  I would take her out to eat with little concern for what it meant for her.  Now, I find myself understanding her situation.  So much of our western diet is more than we need, and not good for us.  Oh, it tastes good going down, but it ends up debilitating us in our golden years.  I realize how much I love fresh veggies, (just not asparagus, because I think of ‘Junior Asparagus’ every time she gets one from the garden.)  I also realize what I’ve done to my metabolism by ingesting all the sugar that I have.   
Finally, if the weight loss wasn’t reason enough, I also learned how sugar affects my moods, and my drive.  If I’d not been doing the fast, and still going through everything I’ve gone through this last fifty days, I would have lost it.  My emotions are on a much more even keel.  Believe me, as you’ve already seen, I still make mistakes, and occasionally my old stinking thinking tries to wake up, but overall, the fast has shown me how sugar regulated my life.   I’m actually looking forward to another Daniel fast, but this time I’d like it to be a 21 day fast with my faith family.   Heck, if a meat and potatoes guy like me can go 50 days, anyone can.  

Oh, and by the way, I ended the fast with a plate of Chili Colorado from Nopalitos here in Harrison Arkansas.  I didn't eat the rice, I had refried beans without cheese, and corn tortillas.  All in all, I feel good.

So, here is to believing God for more than I can ask for, more than I can dream of, and more than I can hope for.  I'm ready God. 

God Bless, thank you for all your prayers, and may all your desires be God’s desires.  

Sunday, May 17, 2015


It’s been 43 days now, and I don’t know how to describe the wonder of being at this point into the Daniel fast.  When I began it, I wasn’t sure what I was in for. What I do know is that I am feeling better than I’ve ever felt before.  The spiritual dynamic is beyond description, but first let me address the situation I left off with last week.  I appreciate everyone’s prayers for work. They worked!  Your prayers are what I coveted, not because I feared for anything, but because I know your prayers are strong.  It is your prayers that have enabled me to walk in peace throughout this week.  I hope and pray that no one felt I’d given up, as it was just the opposite.  Jesus is my refuge, my shelter, and my life, I could not be doing what I do if I didn’t trust him to provide. 
This past week was filled with exceptional times of revelation, and sweet times of communion.  I’ve learned so much, and am looking forward to what Christ is going to do this next week.  It is hard to believe that my goal is only one week away.  I can’t help but wonder what wondrous things are in store for this coming Pentecost. I only have one more personal request to be fulfilled, and only one request for our faith fellowship. I covet any prayers you may offer up on my behalf this week. 
So many good things happened this week, and I don’t know where to begin.  For brevity, let’s just say God is good! 
I’ve lost another five pounds, bringing me to 163 pounds.  I haven’t weighed 163 pounds since 1999.  You know, it would garner me so much sympathy if I could profess to be suffering for Jesus, but I can’t.  Actually I wish more people could’ve or would’ve joined with me in this if for no other reason than how healthy it would make them feel.  I know it’s a God thing because of how much I’ve learned, and enjoyed while doing this.  I don’t want to lecture, nor do I want to make anyone do any different than they are doing.  I will only say this:  My temperament is so much more level, my body is feeling so good. 
One very unusual thing happened this week.  Years ago I lost feeling in the skin on my upper left thigh.  Now I can feel it again.  A matter of fact my body seems to be more alive than ever before.  All glory to God!  
Join me next week for a report of what God has done, and a report of victory.  

Meanwhile, be blessed!

Monday, May 11, 2015

35 Days In: Tough Week

It’s now day 35 on the Daniel fast.  I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but this is the longest I’ve ever gone in my life without a soda pop.  This is definitely the longest I’ve gone without eating meat of any kind.  I feel great physically, and I’m still enjoying the sense of freedom that flows from being in a fast. The desire to complete the fifty days was dealt a serious blow this week, when my business hit a serious slowdown.


As a handyman, I’m accustomed to my business slowing two times a year.  It usually slows down about a week before Thanksgiving, and continues being slow until right after Christmas.  I’m also accustomed to it slowing down about the last week of May until about the fourth of July.  That is why I’m able to go to Nicaragua during June.  This year instead of doing the usual missions trip to Nicaragua, I chose to attend our family reunion in Corpus Christi on the Fourth of July.  I miss my brothers, and this may be the last time my parents and other members of their families will be able to get together due to their ages.  So, it seemed important to forego the mission trip.  WOW!!   I was not prepared for the summer slowdown to hit this early.  Actually, I’d hoped to be busy enough to make it all the way up to the week before leaving.  I’d saved enough money to make the trip, but now I may have to rethink.  I may need that money to pay bills.  

What does all of that have to do with the fast?  Everything!  When you are in a fast, there is a heightened spiritual awareness.  As someone who depends upon the Lord’s provision daily, (I’m not truly self-employed, but God-employed) I’ve been wrestling with all kinds of doubt, and yes, fear over whether I’ve made the right decisions.  Not stark raving fear, but nagging, life sapping worry.  It would be a lie to say that I haven’t wondered what is going on.  I’ve watched two big jobs get cancelled because the clients had financial reversals.  The phone was silent, and I hung out at the church for three days last week.  All the while, I was wondering if I’d made the wrong decision on not going on the mission trip.  Maybe I should have tried to do both.  As it looks right now, I may not have the money to even go to Corpus Christi.  Did I miss the Lord in this one?  When I began the fast, everything looked good, now, as it is drawing to a close I find myself facing one of the worst slowdowns I’ve ever been in.  At sixty years old, I am too old to begin looking for a new job, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to attend the family reunion. Still, if I have to go back into the job market I will, I just don't want to move so hastily that I miss out on something good. (Edited Part that got dropped: I believe God will make a way, He always has, and always will) So, I hope you can understand, that my spirit was under great attack last week.  I have enough work this week to pay tithes, pay bills, and keep gas in the rig, but it won’t be enough if I don’t get some work.  I’d appreciate any prayers, or even spiritual word from those who love me and care for me. I don’t like taking from people, so I prefer prayers.  I like work, so work would be great.  Please uphold me in prayer.


As I’ve sought the Lord during this time of fasting, I’ve been asking Him to do a special work in our faith family.  I've been reluctant to share the request, because there is no good way to explain it without it appearing to be self-serving.  I would like to see our fellowship blessed so that I can leave the handyman business behind, and work at the church full time.  At the same time, I don't want to take away from the many churches, and missions that we serve. There are many things that need to be done in our old building, that we don't have the funds to do because we are sending so much money to foreign missions.  I have the skills to fix the problems, but I'm still not old enough to retire.  I know it sounds selfish, but at the same time, it's what I truly want in my heart of hearts. So, if you’ve been following me in this, please pray that God will move in this area, or at least allow me to know if the answer is 'no.' I can continue to do handyman work for another couple of years, but I'm still strong, and would like to concentrate my strength on getting our wonderful building brought up to prime condition.   
In the personal arena, I’m still needing God to move on two issues I’ve placed before Him.  One of them is attitudinal, and the second is behavioral.   I began this fast with the expectation for a great move of God in my life, and in our faith family.  Still hoping, if not a little bruised. 
I don’t like to share the negative stuff, but sometimes you have to in order for people to know how miraculous God’s deliverance is.  I’m expecting awesome answers, and to share an awesome testimony of what God has done in my life, and the lives of my faith family. 

Now, on to some good stuff.  Spiritual revelation unrelated to work continues to be powerful.  When I read God’s word, I’m able to see things I’ve never seen before.  It’s fun to have new ideas explode into my head as I read.  I especially enjoy having old ideas challenged by new revelation. 
Another bright spot, is how my emotions seemed to have come under greater control.  I am a passionate person on all emotional levels, with anger being the worst.  Frustration, conflict, and fear often won the day in the past.  Now, it takes a lot to push me over the top.  I think a lot of it has to do with a decrease in sugar intake linked to an increase in spiritual intake.  There would have been a day when the slowdown I faced last week would have caused me to be irritable with Glenda, and others around me.  Instead, I found myself calmly concerned.  Now for those of you who have mastered your angers and fears, don’t judge me too harshly, just continue to pray with me that God will do a complete work in me.


Finally, the physical changes!  The weight loss seemed to have slowed down, I only lost two pounds this week I’m now at 166 pounds.  However, I did have to take my belt up another notch!?  Confused about that, but I’m sure someone knows how that can be.  I’d figured that a notch in my belt equated to about seven pounds of weight loss, but not the case this week.  Having gone through the de-tox phase in the second week, I was surprised when I had another event this week.  Thankfully I was at the church that day, and it didn’t affect my work.

I’m loving this fast more than anything I’ve done spiritually in a long time.  After the fast is over, I’ll try hard to live as close to the lifestyle it has wrought in me.  I truly believe it was ordained of the Holy Spirit in order to bring me to a healthier, more balanced me.   I’m not satisfied with 21, or even 50 days, I want more.  If in the end of this, I’m not ruled by my emotions, my gut, or even the crazy fears that arise out of everyday life, I’ll be a happy man.    

Monday, May 4, 2015


What an unusual place to be in.  I’m 29 days into the Daniel fast, and I’m amazed at how much is changing around, and inside of me.  With that said, I had one of my worst days this week, due to working conditions. 

Now, before you think I’m getting ready to whine let me tell you, I’ve had a job since I was ten, and working has never been something I wished to escape.  I enjoy doing a hard day’s work.  I’m sure I owe a lot to my father, who can’t sit still for more than five minutes unless it is in front of the TV.  He is 80 years old and still going strong.  I can only hope I’m as active as he is, at that age.

ANYWAY, I scheduled myself one of those extremely physical jobs, at a place far away from any restaurant, or from home.  I brought my trail mix, water, and nuts.  Eight hours, five railroad ties, and a cubic yard of dirt later, I was hurting BAD!!!!  My bad, I forgot to bring protein, and fresh fruit.  I’LL NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN.   I was shaking like a leaf, and my muscles were screaming for protein.   Just poor planning, as I said erlier, the worst day ever on the fast. 

My prayer list, the reason for doing this fast is getting shorter every week.  If you are a friend or loved one reading this, I’m going to ask you to join with me in praying for two more personal needs, and one that affects our faith family. 

To my faith family, beginning today, there are 21 more days until Pentecost.  If the Holy Spirit leads you, join with me to begin the Daniel fast to see one of the most powerful Pentecost Sundays we’ve ever experienced.  If you don't think you can do 21 days, try going for the last ten days before Pentecost As I’ve said before, I can’t prove it, but I can’t help but wonder if those who were in the upper room that day, hadn’t been on a ten day Daniel fast as they tarried.  Just conjecture.  If you would like to join in the fast, I’d be glad to share what I’ve learned during this time, especially some of Glenda's awesome salad ingredients.  The fast takes preparation, thoughtfulness, and mindfulness, but it is worth it. The fear of doing without meat, sugar, and dairy can be overwhelming, but if the Holy Spirit gives you the unction to do it, you will be able to do it.  

As I embark upon the last 21 days of the fast, I intend to pump up my devotion time, put away some of the distractions, and read some good Christian books.  I’ve bought two new books, and I’ll let you know how they are as I finish them.  With that said, I want to promote “Face to Face with Jesus” by Samaa Habib.   Having already read it twice, I am going to do it one more time, especially if I begin to feel sorry for myself on this fast.  Which hasn’t happened yet. 

OKAY, I’ve held it off till the last.  The physical benefits of the fast are beyond compare.  I’ve been reluctant to share numbers because I’m a little bit vain when it comes to my weight.  At five foot tall, I’ve always been a heavy man.  I graduated from High School weighing in at 110 pounds.  By the time I went into the Air Force seven years later, I weighed 123 pounds.  When I left the Air Force in ’95’, I weighed 148 pounds.  By the time I began the Daniel Fast, I weighed 188 pounds.  It seemed like every year I was adding two pounds to my weight.  Today, I weigh 168 pounds, which translates into three notches on my belt, (I had to create the last notch.) The love handles are less pronounced , and my outie is beginning to shrink.  I am wearing clothes that I’d relegated to the back of the closet.  My energy level (with the exception of Thursday last week) is much better.  The biggest difference is in what I can taste, and what I enjoy.  As a meat, and potatoes guy, I’m thrilled to discover how much I love vegetables, fruits, and nuts. I still don’t care much for mushrooms, but that is a texture issue. I’ve never liked slimy food. When the fast is over, I am going to carry this over with slight additions of meat, coffee, and cheese.  I DO MISS COFFEE!         I salivate every time I walk by my espresso machine.  When Glenda makes her coffee, I have to disappear.  

So, for those who say they can’t do the Daniel Fast, I say you can.  Glenda (my wife) admitted she was shocked that I could leave meat and potatoes behind.  So, it can be done.

There you have it, Day 29, doing well, looking forward to Pentecost Sunday.   NOT FOR FOOD, but for what I hope God is going to do.   

Sunday, April 26, 2015


It’s hard to believe I’m already on day 21 of the Daniel fast.  In a way, I almost feel guilty because I haven’t suffered.  A matter of fact, I find myself enjoying it.  Is this supposed to happen?  Aren’t I supposed to be afflicting my soul, and mourning?  Instead, I am enjoying the freedom it is giving me.  Today, I saw one of the things I’d been praying for come to pass in our faith fellowship.  The past couple of years have been trying on our fellowship, and many (including myself) had succumbed to a quiet discouragement.  Illness, offense, and unrealized dreams had stretched our hope and trust to a thin strand.  My prayer had been that hope would be reborn in our fellowship. Today, I felt it was.
Throughout this fast, the Holy Spirit has spoken to my spirit, “I have spoke, and it will be.” Today, through the Pastor’s message, the Holy Spirit changed it up to “Speak, and it will be.”  These are the words of life that make living for Christ such a real blessing. 

This week has also seen a complete reversal of much of the turmoil from last week.  Each day has brought fresh revelation, with an even deeper understanding of the Word of God.  So much so, that even our Praise and Worship services seemed to echo our daily bible reading.  ESPECIALLY TODAY!!!!!

So, here I sit trying to relate to you how sweet this fast is, and I don’t know how.  I can tell you the physical transformation is phenomenal.  I’ve lost 13 pounds, and haven’t suffered one bit.  A matter of fact, I’ve come to look forward to the many variations of salads that Glenda prepares.  She is making this fast so easy.  I was able to put on a ‘small’ T-Shirt last night, something I haven’t been able to do in eight years.  A matter of fact, I weigh what I weighed eight years ago when I began being self-employed.   I put on a pair of jeans this morning that just a month ago, I couldn’t even pull up to my thighs. 

I haven’t missed anything except for breakfast. Oatmeal with apples and raisins is wearing thin.  Other than that, I’m doing fine.  I hadn’t realized how badly sugar had overtaken my life.  Dr. Pepper, ‘Long Johns’, and all kinds of other sweet junk had a hold on me.  Now, that I don’t eat any sugar, I find I can even smell it in food. 

I’ve got 29 days left, one more prayer item left for the church, and about three other personal battles I want to overcome.  I’m looking for the answers.   Just call me EXPECTANT!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


This makes week #2 of my Daniel fast and, I am truly amazed at what is going on inside of me more than what is happening to my body.  Don’t get me wrong, I am excited by the changes in my body, I have lost eight pounds, bringing me to what I weighed eight years ago.  The real change has been in my spirit, which is what I’d hoped for when this began. 

Revelation with understanding is coming to me at all times of the day now.  Scriptures are alive and filled with meaning.  Things that I once thought I couldn’t understand any better, are beginning to be deep wells of truth that are fresh and new. 

Another benefit is reduced anger.  It seems as if it takes more and more to irritate me.  Probably the worst time this whole week, was Wednesday. Tax day is always trying, and was even more so because I couldn't get on line to my tax site.  Still, instead of getting angry, I was able to stay at it even though I ended up going 38 hours without sleep.  Talk about a miracle from God!!!
As for my prayers, I know that God is already opening doors in Nicaragua that have been shut before.  I’ve been praying for a breakthrough in the ministry to the village of Guadalupe, and I believe by the grace of God, that we are going to see miraculous things done there.  Please continue to pray for Mauricio and Eva, that their efforts will be rewarded.  Theirs is a daunting task, and it is easy to become discouraged.  Many things can only be done by God, which is why I ask you just to pray for them.  God will have to do the rest. 

I've also been praying for the Mission's trip to Nicaragua.  Our team going to Nicaragua this year will be small, but they will be powerful.  I wish I was going with them, but being with my family is important to me and them this year.   I’ve been hearing the words “Sweep Clean” ever since our last visit.  It is so thrilling to see how beautiful Iglesia Bautista Jehovah Nissi is becoming.  I am praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Villa Roma and the people who make Jehovah Nissi their home.  

In the Daniel fast, prayer time is easier, the word is clearer, and the presence of God dearer.
Okay, just a little word about the physical changes:  I am eight pounds lighter, my energy is better, my mind is clearer, and I am more alert. 

I won’t lie to you, I miss my daily caramel latte.  I would also like a marshmallow crème long john, and I do miss meat.  What has surprised me is that soda pop no longer appeals to me.  I’ve never liked drinking just water.  Now, I enjoy it.
As I said last week, another benefit is that my taste buds are alive once more. 

It’s going good.  I have to think a little bit before I buy foods, but overall, it’s something I think I can do for another 36 days.     

Sunday, April 12, 2015


I want to drop a line or two about what is happening in my life of late. I haven’t written a blog for a long time because I’ve become extremely busy, and without internet access at home, it is very difficult to upload what I write. I’m going to try to update my status every week as I work my way through the Daniel fast. This makes my first Daniel fast. My daughter came to visit two weeks ago and was talking about how the Church they attend had done one. She didn’t even say more than one sentence, but it went deep into me. I’ve dismissed Daniel fasts in the past as being wimpy, and meaningless. Now here I was being convicted about it. So, I went out bought a book about it, prayed about it, and listened for what the Holy Spirit wanted me to do. A week passed by, and I did a one week partial fast, (something I’ve done numerous times.) It was good, but as I was praying, I kept hearing that internal unction to do more. MORE? I still hadn’t become convinced that a Daniel fast could be more effective than a normal fast. Then, the night before Passover (Good Friday) the Holy Spirit put the hammer down.
Okay, a Daniel fast it will be.
When is Pentecost?
 Dang, I googled it.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
FIFTY DAYS!!!!!!! (This is typical of my internal dialogues with the Holy Spirit, He prods, I grouse, He asks, I do. You’d think I’d learn to simply do and then grouse.)
Okay, fifty days it is.
I began Monday. So, after one week, what has it been like? Wonderful!!!!!! Instead of telling you what I can’t eat, what I miss, and how I’m suffering for the cause of Christ, let me tell you what is really happening. (Everybody likes sympathy.)
I’m happier now than I’ve been in a long time.
I don’t fall asleep right after eating.
My body feels comfortable on me. (I am a spirit being in an earthsuit.)
I’ve lost 6 pounds as of this morning. I’ve already gone down one notch on my belt.
My taste buds are alive once more. (I’m amazed at how salt and sugar have clouded my sense of taste.)
My liver isn’t hurting me as it has in the past.
My prayers seem more effective, and my bible reading time is more introspective.
 So why am I doing this? I mean nobody fasts for no reason at all, right? Well actually the Holy Spirit is the main reason I’m doing this. He wouldn’t let me alone about it. I’d fasted during the Passion week, so that I could identify with Christ, and that felt good. Now I’m fasting because of the Holy Spirit, and I feel good. So, here are a few things on my fasting prayer list. About five of our church members are going to Nicaragua this summer, and I won’t be with them. They are the core of my prayer time. I have a couple of things I’d like to see done in our church fellowship, so I’ve been praying for that. I’ve also been in a little bit of a bad place spiritually for about five months, and I want to see that issue resolved. (It’s something only the Holy Spirit can do.) My wife, Glenda asked me a poignant question during this week. “What will you do after the fast?” I don’t know. I like where I’m at right now. Let’s talk about it at the end of the fast. For the moment, I don’t have an answer for her, maybe add a little bit of meat and cheese to my salads, treat myself to Mexican food once a week, and go back to drinking coffee again. (I love a good latte`) Soda pop will be gone, and deep fried foods are history. I’m still trying to find a good way to put back the protein in my diet. I don’t like most legumes, so I’m praying for a good answer. My worst time came this morning when I went to buy donuts for the Men’s Bible study group. The maple long john with marshmallow cream was screaming at me. Nah! For right now, I’m feeling good, and I’m glad the Holy Spirit talked me into it. NUFF SAID.