Monday, May 4, 2015


What an unusual place to be in.  I’m 29 days into the Daniel fast, and I’m amazed at how much is changing around, and inside of me.  With that said, I had one of my worst days this week, due to working conditions. 

Now, before you think I’m getting ready to whine let me tell you, I’ve had a job since I was ten, and working has never been something I wished to escape.  I enjoy doing a hard day’s work.  I’m sure I owe a lot to my father, who can’t sit still for more than five minutes unless it is in front of the TV.  He is 80 years old and still going strong.  I can only hope I’m as active as he is, at that age.

ANYWAY, I scheduled myself one of those extremely physical jobs, at a place far away from any restaurant, or from home.  I brought my trail mix, water, and nuts.  Eight hours, five railroad ties, and a cubic yard of dirt later, I was hurting BAD!!!!  My bad, I forgot to bring protein, and fresh fruit.  I’LL NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE AGAIN.   I was shaking like a leaf, and my muscles were screaming for protein.   Just poor planning, as I said erlier, the worst day ever on the fast. 

My prayer list, the reason for doing this fast is getting shorter every week.  If you are a friend or loved one reading this, I’m going to ask you to join with me in praying for two more personal needs, and one that affects our faith family. 

To my faith family, beginning today, there are 21 more days until Pentecost.  If the Holy Spirit leads you, join with me to begin the Daniel fast to see one of the most powerful Pentecost Sundays we’ve ever experienced.  If you don't think you can do 21 days, try going for the last ten days before Pentecost As I’ve said before, I can’t prove it, but I can’t help but wonder if those who were in the upper room that day, hadn’t been on a ten day Daniel fast as they tarried.  Just conjecture.  If you would like to join in the fast, I’d be glad to share what I’ve learned during this time, especially some of Glenda's awesome salad ingredients.  The fast takes preparation, thoughtfulness, and mindfulness, but it is worth it. The fear of doing without meat, sugar, and dairy can be overwhelming, but if the Holy Spirit gives you the unction to do it, you will be able to do it.  

As I embark upon the last 21 days of the fast, I intend to pump up my devotion time, put away some of the distractions, and read some good Christian books.  I’ve bought two new books, and I’ll let you know how they are as I finish them.  With that said, I want to promote “Face to Face with Jesus” by Samaa Habib.   Having already read it twice, I am going to do it one more time, especially if I begin to feel sorry for myself on this fast.  Which hasn’t happened yet. 

OKAY, I’ve held it off till the last.  The physical benefits of the fast are beyond compare.  I’ve been reluctant to share numbers because I’m a little bit vain when it comes to my weight.  At five foot tall, I’ve always been a heavy man.  I graduated from High School weighing in at 110 pounds.  By the time I went into the Air Force seven years later, I weighed 123 pounds.  When I left the Air Force in ’95’, I weighed 148 pounds.  By the time I began the Daniel Fast, I weighed 188 pounds.  It seemed like every year I was adding two pounds to my weight.  Today, I weigh 168 pounds, which translates into three notches on my belt, (I had to create the last notch.) The love handles are less pronounced , and my outie is beginning to shrink.  I am wearing clothes that I’d relegated to the back of the closet.  My energy level (with the exception of Thursday last week) is much better.  The biggest difference is in what I can taste, and what I enjoy.  As a meat, and potatoes guy, I’m thrilled to discover how much I love vegetables, fruits, and nuts. I still don’t care much for mushrooms, but that is a texture issue. I’ve never liked slimy food. When the fast is over, I am going to carry this over with slight additions of meat, coffee, and cheese.  I DO MISS COFFEE!         I salivate every time I walk by my espresso machine.  When Glenda makes her coffee, I have to disappear.  

So, for those who say they can’t do the Daniel Fast, I say you can.  Glenda (my wife) admitted she was shocked that I could leave meat and potatoes behind.  So, it can be done.

There you have it, Day 29, doing well, looking forward to Pentecost Sunday.   NOT FOR FOOD, but for what I hope God is going to do.   

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