As a Christian, and more specifically an Evangelical Christian, Christmas is a special time of year. I'm also traveled enough to know it isn't special all over the world. There are places where just the mention of Christmas causes people to become angry, and even some places where it is forbidden to utter the word. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not naive. Sadly, it seems the more our western culture becomes obsessed with political correctness, the more offensive it becomes to be express your faith in Christ. The hope of Christmas as proclaimed by the angels at our Savior's birth is far from peaceful. Peace on earth is not what the angels proclaimed. The promise of peace was given with a caveat, a condition that goes to those who believe in Jesus as the Son of God.
The modern interpretation of peace seems to be a universal idea of cessation of hostility, absence of violence, or a more Utopian ideal of harmony between everyone. This is not the promise of the Messiah, nor is it the peace offered by the angelic hosts who sang over the manger in Bethlehem. The Peace of God is a state where the Father lays aside His anger at man's rebellion. The creator of the universe offers redemption to those who wish to be united with Him. Even then, He doesn't remove our will, nor does he make us automatons programmed to do His every whim without our input. A matter of fact He values our input so much, He continues to provide us opportunities to add flavor to His plans and purposes with our own creativity. It is because He is at peace with us that we are able to live a life of peace. While this is a wonderful place to be, not everyone is going to attain that peace at the same time, and there will be struggle between even the most devoted Christians. That doesn't mean Christianity has failed, nor that God has failed. It means that hope lives. In my short 63 years upon this planet, I've seen a major growth in the understanding, and unity of the Church. There are still denominations, but they are beginning to be less divided than at any time I can remember. To me it seems as if we are seeing the 'unity of faith' Paul spoke about in Ephesians 4:13. Are we experiencing the world's definition of peace? Not by a long shot. Are we experiencing God's peace. Oh yes!
This Christmas, I have only one gift to give, and that is the hope for peace with God. Peace with God is simply relaxing and knowing that He is God. In that place, you find complete Peace.
As a closing remark, let me quote you the verse in Luke 2:14 from the New Living Translation;
"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased."
Now let me share with you the translation from the Complete Jewish Bible; "In the highest heaven, Glory to God! And on earth, peace among people of good will!"
The birth of Jesus brought Glory to God, and peace to those who's hearts are filled with good will. Why? Because now, even though we are still diverse and different, even though we are messed up, confined to this earthly vale, we can be pleasing to God. That brings unexplainable peace.
Thank you, Lord for being born as we are born. Thank you for taking on my sins. Thank you, God, for forgiving me.
Merry Christmas to all.
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