Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Wednesday in the Sparrow’s Perch is a day unlike any other.  There is such an air of expectation of what will happen during the evening service.  Even if the day before didn't go as I planned, or tomorrow looks bleak and unrewarding, Wednesday night always holds the promise of fellowship with brothers and sisters in the Lord.  No matter how I might have failed to live up to my own expectations of how I should reflect Christ, the redeemer of my soul is there to embrace me.  I know He loves me, and ever intercedes for me.  Those things that fold me up in the middle and cause me to groan in waves of sorrow are soothed away by His healing hand. 

Shutting down the computer, and closing the door to my office on Wednesday mornings is one of the hardest things I do.  The gentle, and feathery touch of the Savior drawing me under his wing, is so soothing, it’s easy to fall asleep in Him.  Outside my window, the hustle and bustle of Babylon is beginning to push against the stillness I feel under the Savior’s wing.  Here in the warmth of the Savior’s love, I can watch the fever pitch drive for ‘more’ and be assured that where I am, is all the ‘more’ I need.  Still, I must leave the Holy of Holies, and fly out past the outer court into the fray of the battle.  I know what wrestles within me, is the desire to see the Kingdom of God come to this world.  The Epic Journey doesn't allow me to linger for long within the soft confines of the Savior’s embrace.  After I am soothed, warmed, and my wounds dressed, I will have to go back into the roar of Babylon.  He has made me to be more than a conqueror, and in the power of His might, I will overcome.  He has promised He would never forsake me, and I know He won’t, because I mean everything to Him. I think what causes me to breathe hard and feel the racing of my heart, is that I want Him to know He’s everything to me.

Wednesdays and Sundays are the days I celebrate knowing I’m not alone.  I draw strength from those who are just like me, who want to somehow convey to the Creator of heaven, and earth, that He’s everything to them. 

Well, it’s time to shut down the computer, turn off the lights, and go make some money.  I’ll return this evening with an expectation that His Spirit will be exponentially more powerful than I feel him this morning. 

Did I forget to tell you, that YOU mean everything to Him?    

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