The election of Nov 3rd, 2020 changed everything for me. I am no longer the person who believed in the goodness of our nation, and the ability of our people to make wise decisions come election time. Believe it or not, I'd come to peace with the election of President Obama because I knew his polished communication skills, combined with a sympathetic press, made his election possible. He could elucidate his plans, and do it in such a way that he was able to make center right people vote for him. Well done!
Biden's election is a sham, and a testament to the unending left wing media bashing of President Trump. I am convinced and will not be dissuaded from my belief that there was widespread election fraud in this election. I also blame it on good hearted idiots who don't understand that by voting for a third party candidate they were voting for Biden. It goes without saying that the Libertarian Candidate drew more votes away from Trump than Biden. So, I will resist this administration just as the left resisted President Trump. I refuse to believe that a mentally infirm man who didn't campaign won the election fair and square.
I am not being melodramatic when I say 'goodbye to America.' Our freedoms are as good as gone under a Biden presidency.
At least my Sparrows live free.
I will pray for this administration, but I will do it by asking God for a righteous leader who will take us back to the greatness our founding fathers planned for us.
I will pray for God to guide us back to being a nation that abhors death, but is willing to die for the sake of freedom.
I wish I were a sparrow so that I can fly far away from the evil that has been thrust upon our nation by the elitists on our coasts.
This isn't a prophecy, but it is a promise based upon what I know has happened in the past.
In the next four years you will see martial law used to quell unrest. The wealthiest will NOT be taxed, but the middle class and those in the lower class will. The elderly and infirm will be left to die by choice. Our once great medical superiority will be sacrificed for mediocre and unreachable healthcare. Finally, industry and the machine of greatness will leave our shores. While I don't believe in Ayn Rands economic political vision, I do agree with how she saw the destruction of Capitalism occur. You are seeing that happen right now.
There is a vindictive part of me that wants to see the leftist elites get there just rewards, but there is also a part of me who doesn't want to see people suffer.
There will be no healing for America this time around, because the sparrow that lives free doesn't care about being put in a cage.